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Kuor is King of the gods and ruler of Orhan. He can control the weather on Kulthea and reputedly is master of the Flows of Essænce. He presides over the Conclave of Orhan: the gathering of the Lords to debate significant issues.


God of Strength

Lord of physical strength and athletic prowess, Cay appears as a muscular yet not brawny youth. He cannot be bested in unarmed combat, and only Kuor can beat him with weapons. Cay is considered most handsome of the gods (except the twins). He wears just a short blue tunic off one shoulder unless leading mass combat - an infrequent occurrence for any of the Lords, in which case he dons brilliant silver armor. His favored weapon is a spear. Patron of athletic games, Cay is also an infamous seducer, having fathered countless children across Kulthea.


Goddess of Death and Rebirth

Goddess of  Death/Rebirth (and Winter), she is the sister of Reann. Eissa is the deity appealed to when resurrecting the dead. She guards the Gates of Oblivion, and it is her decision whether to return a soul—even Kuor will not overrule her decision. Those who follow Eissa believe that the soul lives forever, though the body dies, the soul passes beyond the gates into another state of being. The worst fate is if the soul itself destroyed, something which can only happen to someone who falls victim to one of the Unlife’s cruel servants.


Goddess of the Earth

Goddess of the Earth (and the Harvest/Autumn), she is the mistress of growing things, of plants and animals of the land. Iloura wears flowing robes of green and brown, and her auburn hair adorned with flowers and colorful leaves. Her eyes are large and hazel, framed by soft features; she frequently appears on Kulthea in the form of a deer or leet footed animal. Harvest festivals are the time she is most honored, and many peoples of the Shadow World give thanks to her for bountiful returns. Her husband is Iorak the Smith.


Smith of the Gods

Husband of Iloura and Smith of the gods, Iorak is physically strong but not the match for Cay or Kuor. With his dark complexion, black hair, and beard, Iorak is an imposing character, an appearance which belies his gentle nature. He almost never leaves his great smithies on Orhan. Iorak has made all of the items used by the Lords of Orhan and is in most ways the most potent smith of the Kulthean system. 


God of Magic / Twin of Kieron

Jaysek is God of Visual Art and Magic, twin brother of Kieron | and like his brother, he is lean and beautiful. Very serious and at times sullen, he occasionally takes to writing morbid poetry. He wears black or grey garments and has been seen on the Shadow World astride a dark horse, wearing a black, hooded cloak. He is the patron of Illusionists, Mystics, and Seers. 


God of festivals / Twin of Jaysek

God of festivals, including the performing arts (music, plays, some poetry). He plays a stringed instrument called the Quindera and has a hypnotic singing voice. He is called upon to bless wine and ale, and to aid in recovery from hangovers. Although Kieron’s clothing tastes are quite varied, he will often done a tunic of sheet silk.


Kieron is somewhat of a lustful god, appearing in many attractive forms , including that of a beautiful woman,  to seduce unwary Kultheans.


Goddess of Love and Fertility

Goddess of Love and Fertility (and Spring), Oriana is a beauty with golden hair and violet eyes. She is the wife of Phaon, and flies beside her husband on golden wings made for her by Iorak.  She is sclled upon to aid in many wedding ceremonies, her blessing promises many healthy children, and an undying mutual love. She is called upon often, but rarely bestows her full blessing. Although almost always bearing a serene visage, she also has a more sensual side, playful and listful. Oriana favors a tunic or gown of shimmering white trimmed with gold. 


God of Sun

God of the Sun (and Summer), Phaon rides a great winged horse with flaming mane and tail. His eyes are a deep amber and his hair is golden blond. Very tall, tan and muscular, he wears only a short tunic of while cloth trimmed with gold.
Phaon was once patron of the Cloudlords of Tanara; he is often considered the god of fatherhood in that as husband of Oriana (the Earth-goddess) and god of the Sun, he represents the masculine aspect of fertility. He has fathered  numberless children on Kulthea.


God of the Night

God of the Night, he is master of sleep and dreams, sending visions to his followers. He is the only god who prefers the night. It is his domain, though one which is tainted by the evils of the Unlife. As a result, Reann has faced the terror of the Unlife more than any other Lord. He often travels to the Shadow World, hunting evil beasts through the night astride his mighty steed: a white Unicorn with a luminous silver horn. Riding through dark forests, a misty, shimmering presence in the night, his endless quest is to save the helpless from the fangs and claws of the evil demonic creatures of evil. Reann is a tall, slender young man with fair skin, black hair and dark, hypnotic eyes. He wears only sable-hued cloth garments, often trimmed with black leather.


God of the Sea

God of the sea (and of Fall), Shaal is also called \The Destroyer" by some, in association with the erosion of the sea and sea storms. Shaal is moody and rarely seen in his human form, instead assuming the shape of a Merman, whale or great dolphin. He wields a trident of greenish alloy set with emerald points. Ruthless and unsympathetic to all but sea beasts and peoples, he cares little about events on the land.


Messenger of the Gods

Messenger of the gods, she appears as a beautiful, androgynous youth in her middle teens. She carries a short staff which records the messages to be delivered. Always barefoot, she can run faster than any living creature, or travel on she magical shield with superlative balance. Teris is patron of one of the Navigator Guilds, her name occasionally mentioned - but not always in a positive way { by other Navigator guilds.


Goddess of Wisdom

The goddess of learning and wisdom, and wife of Kuor, Valris is patron of scholars and masters of thought. She favors scholarly clerics and monastic groups; Astrologers also often follow her. Mentalists revere her though of course they do not channel power directly from her—they tap their own ‘Essænce’.

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