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Goddess of Love, Wisdom, and Protector

Powerful among the local gods of Hæstra, Mynistra is known as the three-faced: Love, Wisdom, and Protector. To reflect this, some statues of her have three faces spaced around the head. Others have three separate statues reflecting the different natures. She has a loyal group of followers across Hæstra, most notably, the beautiful and deadly Blade-Dancers of Harmonia.  Their great wisdom, physical affection, and warcraft are known throughout Emer.  Services to Mynistra are every 10 days (travelling worshippers are expected to make do even on the road); Worshipers are expected to dance, pray, sing, and make small sacrifices of incense and flowers.


Lord of the Keyton

Powerful among the Faerie, Kellus is lord of the Keyten River. He is the object of reverence by the Bodlean people, and in return, he has used the river to provide for the people and help them defend themselves from southern attackers.  It is said he can turn the river into a raging torrent, sweeping anything in it away to the sea.

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