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Of all the gods and pantheons which call Kulthea home, the Lords of Orhan stand alone. Some believe that they are the Lords of Essænce from the First Era, some believe they predate time. Their powers are without parallel. However, they rarely intervene actively in the affairs of the Shadow World, and would never exert their full strength against any Kulthean.

The Pantheon of Charón is really not a pantheon at all; no single god is recognized as the leader. The Dark Gods coexist on the Third moon in little more than an uneasy alliance. Often they bicker amongst themselves, their servants sent on errands of cruel purpose

Some spirits are powerful servants and aides of the Lords of Orhan. Spirits are more numerous and more likely to be encountered, acting as agents of the Lords themselves.  Other spirits are demigods, acting in their own right as lords of their dominions.  Some of the demigods can stand against a lord in their own realm.

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